ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODGlobal land suitability maps - Development Potential Index (DPI)Image obtained from the data Map Viewer site: Link Here. Data Description: Generated 1-km spatially-explicit global land suitability...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODGlobal Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data for 2010 Version 2.0 SPAM2010 MapSPAMImage obtained from the published article: Link Here. Data Description: Using a variety of inputs, IFPRI's Spatial Production Allocation...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODIncome inequality - GINIImage obtained from the data Map Viewer site: Link Here. Data Description: The Gini coefficient is based on the comparison of cumulative...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODGINI indexImage obtained from the data Map Viewer site: Link Here. Data Description: The Gini Index is a measure of income inequality. It measures...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODGDP per capita, PPP (current international $)Image obtained from the data Map Viewer site: Link Here. Data Description: This indicator provides per capita values for gross domestic...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODUnified Global Croplands aka Unified Cropland LayerImage obtained from the data Map Viewer site: Link Here. Data Description: Cropland layer at 250 m resolution for global agriculture...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODHuman Development Index (HDI)Image obtained from the published article: Link Here. Data Description: The HDI represents a national average of human development...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODGlobal Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)Image obtained from source website: Link Here. Data Description: The global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is an international...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODRelative Wealth IndexImage obtained from the published article: Link Here. Data Description: Here we develop microestimates of the relative wealth and poverty...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODGlobal Synergy Cropland Map (% Cropland)Image obtained from the published article: Link Here. Data Description: Self-adapting Statistics Allocation Model (SASAM) to develop the...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODGridded Livestock of the World (GLW 3)Image obtained from the published article: Link Here.Data \ Description: This dataverse contains peer-reviewed spatial dataset on...
ECONOMY & LIVELIHOODChina Global Investment TrackerImage obtained from the data Map Viewer site: Link Here. Data Description: The China Global Investment Tracker is the only comprehensive...