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Data Description:
Seismic Hazard Maps depict the level of chosen ground motions that likely will, or will not, be exceeded in a given time span. Hazard assessment programs commonly specify a 10% chance of exceedance (or a 90% chance of non-exceedance) of a ground motion parameter for an exposure time of 50 years, corresponding to a return period of 475 years. The Seismic Hazard Data describes the peak ground acceleration (PGA, ms-2).
Peak ground acceleration map based on past earthquakes at 10-km resolution.
Data Access Link(s)* :
GEE Link*:
• Not Available
Data Format & Resolution (if applicable):
• Raster - 10 km
Temporal Coverage (Years Available):
• Single Year (1999)
Data completeness:
Global - Number of Countries Unspecified
Source(s) and/or Author(s):
Swiss Seismological Service-SED, Seismic Hazard. (2018)
Literature Reference Link(s) *:
* Note: URL(s) provided in this site may change due to removal or updates by the original host website. Should you find a broken link, please refer to the original source and/or author(s) specified above.