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Data Description:
The GlobCover Portal provides access to the results of the GlobCover project.
GlobCover is an ESA initiative which began in 2005 in partnership with JRC, EEA, FAO, UNEP, GOFC-GOLD and IGBP. The aim of the project was to develop a service capable of delivering global composites and land cover maps using as input observations from the 300m MERIS sensor on board the ENVISAT satellite mission. ESA makes available the land cover maps, which cover 2 periods: December 2004 - June 2006 and January - December 2009.
Summarized Classes incl: Croplands; Forest; Shrubland/Grassland; Sparse Vegetation; Artificial surfaces aka urban; Bare Areas; Water Bodies; Permanent Snow and Ice; Unclassified
Data Access Link(s)* :
GEE Link*:
Data Format & Resolution (if applicable):
• Raster - 0.3 km
Temporal Coverage (Years Available):
• Multiple Years (2004 to 2006 (composite), 2009)
Data completeness:
Global - Number of Countries Unspecified
Source(s) and/or Author(s):
European Space Agency (ESA) (2010)
Literature Reference Link(s) *:
* Note: URL(s) provided in this site may change due to removal or updates by the original host website. Should you find a broken link, please refer to the original source and/or author(s) specified above.