Image obtained from source website: Link Here.
Data Description:
Using Landsat, Integration of pixel- and object-based methods with knowledge (POK-based) has been developed to handle the classification process of 10 land cover types: water bodies, wetland, artificial surfaces, cultivated land (cropland), permanent snow/ice, forest, shrubland, grassland, bareland and tundra
Data Access Link(s)* :
GEE Link*:
• Not Available
Data Format & Resolution (if applicable):
• Raster - 0.03 km
Temporal Coverage (Years Available):
• Multiple Years (2000, 2010, 2020)
Data completeness:
Global - Number of Countries Unspecified
Source(s) and/or Author(s):
National Geomatics Center of China, Chen et al (2015)
Literature Reference Link(s) *:
* Note: URL(s) provided in this site may change due to removal or updates by the original host website. Should you find a broken link, please refer to the original source and/or author(s) specified above.