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Data Description: The Terra and Aqua combined Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Land Cover Type (MCD12Q1) Version 6.1 data product provides global land cover types at yearly intervals (2001-2020), derived from six different classification schemes listed in the User Guide. Derived using supervised classifications of MODIS Terra and Aqua reflectance data., then undergo additional post-processing that incorporate prior knowledge and ancillary information to further refine specific classes. Summarized Classes include: Forest; Shrublands; Grasslands; Permanent Wetlands; Croplands; Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mosaics; Urban and Built-up Lands; Permanent Snow and Ice; Barren; Water Bodies; Unclassified
Data Access Link(s)* :
GEE Link*:
Data Format & Resolution (if applicable):
· Raster - 0.5 km
Temporal Coverage (Years Available):
· Multiple Years (2001 to 2020)
Data completeness: Global - Number of Countries Unspecified
Source(s) and/or Author(s): Boston University, Friedl et al (2010)
Literature Reference Link(s) *:
* Note: URL(s) provided in this site may change due to removal or updates by the original host website. * Should you find a broken link, please refer to the original source and/or author(s) specified above.